
Thursday, October 23, 2008


I should be studying for my History test which takes place in three hours, but I'm just the worst procrastinator. This week has gone by fairly quickly. It's only Thursday, but I didn't expect it to be here so soon. Laundry and maintenance for Raven Rep 2 hasn't been as tedious as I expected. I'm actually learning to enjoy costume crew. Weird!

Theater was cancelled today. Which means I just woke up about ten minutes ago. Heather, Chris, and I went to Ryan's apartment last night and I watched Pride and Prejudice, the one with Keira Knightley, for the first time. It was glorious! Not only was the acting to die for, the movie itself was just so artistic and well made and beautiful. I'm glad I saw it. After the movie, we all crashed for about half an hour with the TV on, but I had to come back to my room so I could study in the morning (and look where that got me haha)

Before that, Ryan took us to Starbucks and confused the crap out of the people working there by ordering two specialty drinks that he invented, both of which are extremely complicated. It was so much fun, despite the sudden drop in temperature outside. And I finally have the "Bare" soundtrack, which Ryan burned for all three of us, so I'm excited.

Things to do this weekend: Go to my brother's "birthday dinner". Take my brother shopping for his birthday. Buy several solid colored shirts from Michael's for my comedy scene in theater. Go costume shopping. ......I think that's it. Woot for having a plan!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Where to start?

Hello there! Wow I really don't know what I'm hoping to accomplish by starting one of these, but I used to blog on Xanga (years and years ago) and I kinda miss it. So maybe this will give me the chance to get out some emotion, positive or negative, and just share what's going on in my life and my commentary on all of it.

So its 10:45 p.m. and I just got back from the library computer lab with Kate and Laura, and we were just writing our papers for Theater last minute, although I swear we were on Facebook half the time haha. I'm loving it at SHSU. That wasn't the case a month ago, though. I was so completely and utterly homesick the first week of school I cried myself to sleep every night. What a loser, right? But now, I'm quite content with the friends I've made and the activities I'm getting involved in. And my fiercesome foursome, who could forget... Kate, Heather, and Devin! (and me, that's four, yeah). They're the coolest, and keep me company whenever I need someone to talk to or eat lunch/dinner with! I love them!

I'm also excited about pledging Alpha Psi Omega, and the friends I'm making there! Most of them I knew already from my theater class, but I'm mostly excited about the activities and getting involved finally, and I did meet the nicest upperclassmen ever, Ryan C, and he's super cool and I'm glad we're friends. That was a longgg sentence.

Halloween's coming up!! Devin's supposed to take our foursome costume shopping since he's the only one of us with a car, but I'm so looking forward to that. But where do you buy costumes in Huntsville? Don't tell me Wal-mart.

My roommate always talks on the phone to her boyfriend till the wee hours of night, and it keeps me from getting as much sleep as I would like. Makes me burn on the inside, basically. I listen to my iPod to block her out, but it doesn't always work. I cannot wait to get an apartment next year, with Hillary, Janette, and possibly Heather. And my bunny that I'm going to get, and love, once we get an apartment. So many things to look forward to.

This is a really long blog, but I have more to talk about. I saw Ryan, Tim, and Joe this past weekend (Hillary was there too), and it just renewed how much I miss and love them. They're my best friends ever and college was hard at first primarily because I was away from them. If they're reading this (which they're most likely not) I want them to know how much I love them forever and ever!!! <3

Okay this is too long. Have a good night!!