
Thursday, October 23, 2008


I should be studying for my History test which takes place in three hours, but I'm just the worst procrastinator. This week has gone by fairly quickly. It's only Thursday, but I didn't expect it to be here so soon. Laundry and maintenance for Raven Rep 2 hasn't been as tedious as I expected. I'm actually learning to enjoy costume crew. Weird!

Theater was cancelled today. Which means I just woke up about ten minutes ago. Heather, Chris, and I went to Ryan's apartment last night and I watched Pride and Prejudice, the one with Keira Knightley, for the first time. It was glorious! Not only was the acting to die for, the movie itself was just so artistic and well made and beautiful. I'm glad I saw it. After the movie, we all crashed for about half an hour with the TV on, but I had to come back to my room so I could study in the morning (and look where that got me haha)

Before that, Ryan took us to Starbucks and confused the crap out of the people working there by ordering two specialty drinks that he invented, both of which are extremely complicated. It was so much fun, despite the sudden drop in temperature outside. And I finally have the "Bare" soundtrack, which Ryan burned for all three of us, so I'm excited.

Things to do this weekend: Go to my brother's "birthday dinner". Take my brother shopping for his birthday. Buy several solid colored shirts from Michael's for my comedy scene in theater. Go costume shopping. ......I think that's it. Woot for having a plan!