
Sunday, September 5, 2010

This is how it works: You're young until you're not.

I feel like the majority of my blog posts should be titled "I am such a slacker." And yet most, if not all, never fail to mention what a slacker I am. There are two ways to fix this situation: I could blog more frequently, or I could just learn to forgive myself more easily. Neither of which you should count on. Sorry.

I've been wanting to blog for some time now, but with the adjusting into the new apartment, the new classes, the blah-blah-blah, I just haven't found the motivation to take twenty minutes out of my day and write. But right now, I'm setting aside my excuses for twenty minutes and writing, gosh dang it!

Let's start with the end of TADW. Man, that seems like ages ago. The last day, Munch N Crunch, as expected, was freaking emotional beyond my wildest dreams. I expected to witness much bawling and grief, but what I didn't expect was to find myself sobbing on someone's shoulder. What a turn of events. In a way, I feel like I didn't utilize my summer to reconnect with old friends as well as I could have. I thought that was the whole point of getting that job in the first place. But when the final day came and I looked at my friend Sarah Martellaro, who I've missed immeasurably during the previous years away, I realized I hadn't talked to her or spent time with her nearly as much as I had wanted to. And Haylee-Rae, and Jenny, and all those people I didn't even see. All of this welled up inside me after the Munch N Crunch musical review, and I found myself chasing after Haylee-Rae and Sarah and begged the day for a little more time, then... I was basically bawling on one of their shoulders. What a dramatic way to end the most adventurous summer of my life, eh? Yeah.

The next day, I was supposed to meet Joe and his friends up for dinner, but the plans were so uncertain and my mom, brother, and I had decided to start the drive back to Texas that evening. When Joe texted me and said that they wanted to go to dinner at 8 p.m., that pretty much sealed the deal. It was too late, and we wanted to be well on the road by that time. It was pretty sad, but life goes on. What can I have done?

For our final L.A. meal, we got together with my mom's relatives in Arcadia and they took us to this famous xiao long bao restaurant. Oh my gosh, those soupy dumplings were heaven! We ate and ate, and ordered more for the road and ate some more! Since then, my mom and I have been searching for xiao long bao in Houston that are as yummy as those, but to no avail. Mmmm so freaking good...

The drive home took us exactly 24 hours, which surprises me because at first the GPS predicted 28 hours. Hah, we showed them! I'm not exactly sure who "them" is in this situation, so just play along. K thanks. The scenery was awesome at first, a true sight to behold, and then we started to realize that we were looking at the same vast stretch of beautiful desert for 15 hours. Yeah, it got pretty repetitive. So after the first hour of oohs and ahhs, we were like "That's it? 20 hours of desert??" I mean, yeah it was beautiful, but nothing's so beautiful that I want to stare at it for that long. You know?

Fast forward.

We got home Tuesday night. Many happy feelings. Yay yay yay. My cats were all as cute as ever, and I gushed over them for much too long. On Thursday night, Ryan had a get-together at his man cave. Hillary, Tim, and Tim's girlfriend Melissa were all very happy to see us and we played lots of games and had the best time ever. I move into my new apartment and get ready for school.

Stop the fast forward! This deserves some detail.

So this year, I'm living in a 1-bedroom apartment in Huntsville. The move was pretty back-breaking, but I can't talk, seeing as how my dad and brother did all the work. But now, I LOVE my new apartment so much! I love coming home to it. Teehee. I want to move one of my kitties up with me, but I think they'd miss my dad too much. I'm in a pickle here. I took Indy up for a day, and he seemed fine but when my dad took him home, he was so relieved to see our house again. Ugh way to make me feel bad!

About school. Yay junior year of college!!! I'm taking 18 hours this semester, which sounds bad, but is really pretty chill. Side note: Parking on campus this year is HORRIBLE!! Where did all the freakin' people come from??? Anyway, glad I got that off my chest. I love my Spanish class. My professor is so nice and awesome. I hate my Information Analysis and History of Texas and the Southwest classes. So boring, I can't stand it! My News Reporting and Writing for Public Relations classes are above average in enjoyment, but I could live without them. My philosophy class is pretty fun because my professor is a hoot, and Ivan (DJ Frogger!) is in there with me. Speaking of DJ's and the like, I'm pretty sure the radio is going down this semester. Mrs. Cooper quit, and LeeAn is on the fence. We're going into the third week of school and we have yet to have a management meeting of any kind, and I don't think we even have a Program Director. If it sounds bad, that's because it is. VERY bad.

I have one more point to hit, then we'll call it a night. My family is OFFICIALLY moving out of our house and into a rental house in Houston. I think we're moving next weekend, but we'll definitely be out of here in the next 2 weeks. The house we're renting is really nice, and I actually really like it. I'm pretty excited to move because I just want to put this foreclosure mess behind us, but I'm so super worried about my cats. This is the house they've known forever, and I'm afraid they'll try to escape that house and come back to this one. Oh... being worried is such a horrible feeling!! I hope everything turns out okay.

I've also had a sudden desire to visit Costa Rica. I hope I get to go this summer. Now that my Spanish professor isn't a complete jerk, my love for the language has been revived. 

Side note: The "True Blood" season finale is this Sunday! I can't wait!! Eric better survive! Oh! And the "Glee" season premier is a little over 2 weeks away! I can't wait to have our "Glee" parties back! <3