
Monday, March 22, 2010

I just wanna be okay, be okay, be okay.

I think it's appropriate to head this post with some Ingrid Michaelson lyrics, because she's all I've been listening to for the past week and a half. I just love her! Heather bought me her CD and I can't get enough. We have a lot of ground to cover in this post, so let's get to it.

Shall we?

The first Saturday of Spring Break, which was March 12, I woke up early so I could shower and pack and get gas before embarking on the 2 1/2 hour drive to Waco. What's in Waco? Tim and Ryan are in Waco! I made sure to burn plenty of CD's for the road and while my tank was filling up, I bought two big bags of Doritos for Tim and Ryan. The drive wasn't bad actually. I thought it would be long and grueling and boring, but time flies when you're jamming out. When I was leaving Huntsville, my GPS predicted that I would arrive in Waco at 11:52, but I arrived at 11:15. How's that for defeating the system?

We all met at Ryan's apartment, which was conveniently located right off the highway. No corkscrewing through little avenues and getting lost. What a relief! Tim met us there about half an hour later and we had lunch at Five Guys, which was delicious, then... since Ryan is a certified Baylor tour guide, I was treated to a state-of-the-art tour of Baylor University.

Fun fact: Baylor University is home to two live bears! I literally thought Tim was joking when he told me... then I was face-to-face with the bear enclosure. Lovely!

They showed me a ton of cool stuff, like the library that people apparently get married in, a huge concert hall with a huge organ, a time capsule that was buried in 1945 and will be uncovered in 2045, and this bench circle where everything echoes like crazy. Baylor is actually really beautiful. I thought SHSU was an exceptionally scenic campus, but Baylor is just as pretty if not more so.

After sneaking around the music building, the art building, and the ENORMOUS science building -- it was more like a 5-star hotel, if you ask me -- they took me to an amazing snow cone hut called Mr. Snow. At first, I was a little skeptical. I mean, a snow cone is a snow cone. Right? Wrong. This snow cone was the mother of all snow cones. It eats other snow cones for breakfast. Get the picture?

I sat there dumbfounded for a good five minutes, staring at the gigantic list of flavors, and couldn't decide, so Ryan took the initiative and ordered for me. So, I ended up with a polar ice/electric lemonade flavored snow cone nestled on top of homemade vanilla ice cream. What is also known as a "love nest". It was amazing. The next time I'm in Waco, I might just drive straight to Mr. Snow and forget to visit Tim and Ryan.


Anyway, check this baby out.

Doesn't that look delicious? I know!!

After that excursion, we retired to Tim's apartment and played a few quick games of Bananagrams, then Ryan had to leave. Sadness ensues. Tim and I played Super Smash Bros on my Wii for about an hour, and he made me a ham and egg sandwich. I learned something new from this sandwich, and that is the way college boys cook eggs. We were standing in Tim's kitchen and I was watching him whip the egg in a mug, mixing in salt and pepper and the usual. Then, he pops open the microwave and puts the mug in the microwave. I've never, in my life, seen someone cook eggs in the microwave. Isn't that such a "boy" thing to do?

Anyway, that ham-and-microwaved-egg sandwich was my dinner, and as Tim's friends started to trickle in for a fun little get-together, I sadly had to go if I wanted to be home by midnight. The drive back was definitely more exhausting than the drive there. I was super tired by the time I got home, but I'm really glad I went. Really glad.