
Monday, May 17, 2010

Now that you're gone, l can roll on to something good.

I'm not going to explain the title. Some people understand it, and if you don't, I'm not in the mood to be bitter. I'm in the mood to be HAPPY!! Because so many good things are happening right now, and all the bad things are in the past. Done for. See ya. Thanks for coming.

The biggest news is that one of my bestest best friends, Joe Petty, is engaged!!!! He's found his one, and I couldn't be more happy for Joe and his Savannah. Ryan told me he was going to propose, but when Joe texted me the simple yet profound words, "She said yes! I'm engaged!", I was at Chili's with friends and I mentally checked out of the table conversation. I felt like a blubbering sap and I just wanted to run onto the highway and start dancing. Good for him. I always knew Joe would get married before any of us, but I can't believe that it's actually happening!! We're getting to that age, the marriage age, then the having-a-family age, and then who knows what. Things are so utterly different since freshman year of high school, when none of us knew at all where our lives were headed. And look at us now. In college, Joe getting engaged, Ryan and I going to live on our own for the summer, Tim....being Tim, and Hillary interning with an editor!! Geez Louise. And despite all the changes, our friendship and bond has, if anything, grown stronger. I love them all so much!!

So... now that I've gone and said all that, it's time to move on to the next topic. And that is Las Vegas. In 10 days. Time is passing by soooo slowly, though, because I'm so freaking excited!! Seriously, yesterday alone felt like four whole days. I can't take the waiting anymore!! But I must. So, to pass the time, I've started to make lists. List upon list. I know what you're thinking, "Oh no, Stephanie and her lists". And you're probably right. I've made three lists so far: Places to Eat, Things to Do, and Snacks to Pack. And they're all fairly lengthy. I've got the portable DVD player and my handy dandy GPS, and we're pretty much all set. Wait, I have yet to print out tickets to the fan expo we're going to, but I've got plenty of time to kill, so I'll do it tomorrow. Haha I don't want to do everything in one day and have absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the week. That would be slow, painful torture. Not that it isn't already torture. Ughhh the waiting... just kill me. But not really. Then I wouldn't be able to go to Vegas! Hehehe.

Moving right along, I have more good news!! I'm learning how to cook! Hey, better late than never, and I've come to realize that cooking is something I really enjoy, regardless of the fact that I kinda suck at it. But I'll get better! Practice makes perfect, right? I'm adding to my mental recipe book day by day, and so far, this is what I can make off the top of my head: Omelettes, poached eggs, french toast, meatloaf, green bean casserole, creamy rice casserole, cornflake chicken, chicken salad, mushroom canapes, cucumber sandwiches, chocolate banana pie, queso, scrambled eggs, baked salmon with lemon butter, and... I think that's it. But that's pretty good for a newbie, if I do say so myself. 

So far, my Summer 2010 picture project, where I take at least one picture every day for this summer and posting it on Facebook (man that album is going to be FULL by the end of this summer), is going well. Of course, it's only been four days since my summer officially started, but still! I'm having fun with it. A lot of the pictures are of Indie, my big fatty cat, sleeping in various places around the house. I didn't notice the pattern until someone commented on it, but pretty much every day I have a picture of Indie sleeping on something new! First, it was the kitchen table, then it was a chair in my dad's room, and on a couch, and now he's sleeping in my laptop case! I cannot wait to take that kitty to Huntsville with me.

That's all for today. This is the first time I've posted two entries in two consecutive days... I MUST be bored.
