
Monday, January 18, 2010

The best two months ever.

I'm sorry I keep neglecting my poor blog! I'm just all over the place, and while there's a tiny bit of unwanted stress in my life right now, I feel like the luckiest person ever!

Let's see... the story last left off about a month before I went to Disney World. Disney World was unbelievable! The 15-hour drive really wasn't that bad! Of course, I just sat in the back and slept, but I heard no complaints from the front seat either. And believe me, if it was a bad drive, I would've heard plenty. But anyway, here are the parks in the order we visited them.

Disney's Hollywood Studios:
This was probably my least favorite park, but I did enjoy it a lot. It was rather small, but there was the Pixar Studios and The Tower of Terror and the Aerosmith Rockin' Rollercoaster! I loved the last two, they were my favorite! I took tons of pictures from every park too, but I'll post some later, maybe in another post. Actually, no promises on that. I keep forgetting about my blog and when I finally remember to write, it's like months after the event actually happened and I feel dumb.

Animal Kingdom:
My favorite park!!!! It rained on us, which kinda sucked, but it was still a great experience! My favorite things here were... oh wow there were quite a few favorites. And by the way, there were like NO LINES at any of the parks!! Thirty minute wait, tops! Most of the waits were only ten minutes!! Anyway, my favorites were Expedition Everest, a roller coaster where you go forwards, then backwards. We went on that twice :). Kilimanjaro Safaris, which was a ride in an open-sided safari vehicle into the wildlife reserve. Rhinos and gazelles and cheetahs walked like RIGHT NEXT to me!! No cages or fences!! I also loved the Circle of Life festival of the Lion King, and the bird show... I forgot what it was called, but it was fun!

This was a neat-o park. I loved all the countries. My favorite country was probably Japan, because they had a wicked gift shop haha. And there was this awesome show in China with these Chinese acrobatic children. They were just so cute and so talented. I also loved the ride Mission: Space. The simulated g-forces on that ride amaze me. Technology these days... And there was this ride called Test Track, apparently the fastest Disney attraction of all time. Haha you're basically in a car going through all the tests that real cars go through before they sell them. And at the end, you race around this sideways track at like 70 mph. It was cool.

Magic Kingdom:
Okay this is basically just like Disneyland, but some things are different. Like Space Mountain is pretty darn different. I actually think I like the Space Mountain in Disneyland better. My favorite thing here was the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. It's like a digital puppetry show where the monsters tell jokes and they actually talk to you and interact with the audience. It was really cool and really hilarious. We didn't stay at Magic Kingdom long because we'd basically seen everything there, so we left early and hit the road to go home.

Awesome trip. I'm so glad I got to go.

And recently I just got back from California, where I spent my Christmas break. This was seriously the best Christmas of my life. I mainly stayed with Trang and I went to my aunt Co Ut's house like ever day, which is odd because I never really talked to that side of my family until now. But I got to know them, especially my big cousin Lynn, and I feel like I missed out on a lot growing up. They're the coolest family ever. Better late than never. And I went to Winson's formal dinner, which was a 13-course meal that Winson cooked and presented. It was so fancy. I'm hoping he does a dinner like that for my college graduation. Shoot, I'm willing to pay him. And I got to know many of my baby cousins and bond with them. It was just such a rewarding trip. Also, for Christmas I got: a new digital camera (dad), three purses (trang, lien yee, muoi yee), four pairs of shoes (lynn, lien yee), two dresses & two pairs of tights (lynn), money (muoi yee, grandma, trang), two jackets (co ut), a necklace (lynn), and a really nice blouse (lynn). And with all my Christmas money, I came home and bought a Nintendo Wii. Again, best Christmas ever.

And while I was there, my mom bought two turtles from a Chinese super market and me and trang got to release them back into the wild. That was a rewarding experience. Another Christmas gift.

Anyway, I'm about to start my second week of this new semester. My classes are alright, even though I couldn't go to them last Thursday and Friday because my fingers got slammed in a car door. Yeah, I cried for a long ass time about that one. My finger still hurts a little, but I'm recovering pretty fast. I also just got put in the management team for my radio station. I'm Traffic Director, and I still don't really know what I'm doing. I have yet to be trained, but we're having a meeting tomorrow.

I need to get my eyebrows waxed...