
Friday, February 12, 2010


It's fun to do things, just do things without thinking them over very much. Not knowing how consequential they'll be down the road, and frankly, not caring so much. It's fun to live life without a backwards glance, eyes fixed straight ahead, not on the goal, but on the landmarks of the journey.

It's fun.

Two words that describe my life perfectly right now. I feel more alive now than I ever did before. I feel fearless, and I'm making a point to tackle every opportunity that comes my way. I can't believe how much I held back before I realized how precious life is. There used to be a distinct separation between the person I was and the person I wanted to be. That wall is quickly being torn down, and with every brick that comes loose, I feel better and better. Why was I letting that separation happen before? Why was I holding so much back? Most importantly, why was I so afraid to just live instead of think all the time? Man, I hesitated so much. I missed out on even more because of it. I'm doing things now and planning things now that I never dreamed would be in store for me. It's such an amazing feeling, the best high ever.

Anyway, I'm typing this in the radio office. Did I mention I was on management for the radio station this semester? It keeps me busy, which is also new to me... being busy. But I enjoy being busy, which I never thought could happen but it has. I have office hours every day, but there's not a lot of work to do right now. Oh yeah, and I got a fourth roommate. Her name's Melissa and she's pretty cool. She has this ADORABLE tiny little dog named Duke, and he's just precious.

Upcoming events: My dad and I are trying out this Turkish restaurant this weekend that I really wanted to go to. Me and Brooke are road-tripping to Baylor next weekend to see Ryan and Tim!!!! Omg so excited! And I got the job at TADW!!!!!!!!!! So I'll be working there this summer and staying with Lynn, and we're going to try to get tickets to the Ellen show with Trang, and when Trang comes to visit, we're also most likely taking her to Disneyland. Best summer ever? I think so.